Each semester, between 400-500 students participate in Sampson Community College’s (SCC) Career & College Promise program (CCP)—a tuition-free program that provides seamless dual-enrollment opportunities to eligible North Carolina high school students. On May 11, 2023, SCC had the privilege of graduating 28 high school seniors from CCP, along with the rest of its graduating Class of 2023.

The CCP program allows participating students to accelerate completion of college credit, certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees during high school that lead to college transfer or entry-level job skills. CCP students are only required to pay a semesterly fee of $47.15, in addition to purchasing the needed textbooks and supplies.
There are three pathways in the CCP Program: College Transfer Pathway (CTP), Career & Technical Education (CTE), and Workforce Development & Continuing Education (WDCE), each with their own degree, diploma, certification, and credit opportunities.

Emily Brown, Director of Institutional and Student Success at SCC who oversees the CCP program, explained, “The Career and College Promise program at Sampson Community College continues to serve students in Sampson County to accelerate their educational attainment. These students have two years of college credit under their belt, tuition-free, and are attending top institutions in North Carolina and beyond. They have balanced this on top of high school coursework, athletics, and other extracurricular involvement.”
This year, both public and home schools from all across Sampson County were represented in the CCP graduating class: Clinton High, Lakewood High, Midway High, Union High, and two homeschooled students.

Three CCP students, Luke Thomas Barber, Jenna Avery McLamb, and Joseph Nelson Teachey were also awarded SCC’s Outstanding Student Award for their achievements within the College’s A.A.S. Applied Animal Science Technology, A.A. Teacher Preparation, and CCP A.A. programs, respectively.
Leading the students to academic success this year were SCC Career Coaches: Emily Brown, Homeschools and Out-of-County Students; Jamie Cannady, Clinton High School & Private Schools; Jose Garcia, Hobbton High School; Nathalie Rose, Lakewood High School; Carlie McPhail, Midway High School; and Naomi Sandoval, Union High School.

(From L) Brianna Serrano, Union High School’s CCP graduate; Scarleth Meza, Clinton High School’s CCP graduate.
Speaking on behalf of the College, Brown congratulated, “Hundreds of students participate in this program each semester, but these twenty-eight stand out for the high volume of rigorous coursework that has led them to the proud moment of crossing the graduation stage. The CCP team and Sampson Community College are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing their future successes.”
SCC’s 2023 Career & College Promise Graduates:
Angelina Allen
Lorena Gracyn Baggett (Honors)
Luke Thomas Barber (High Honors & Applied Animal Science Tech. Outstanding Student)
Kayla Renee Bednar (Honors)
Kasey Marie Calcutt (Honors)
Leah Ashley Culbreth
Vannessa Duncan
Israel Pyotr Firstov-Cook (Honors)
Riley Campbell Heath (High Honors)
Anna Grayce Honeycutt (Honors)
Brody Shelton King
Bridget Lozano
Jenna Avery McLamb (Honors & Teacher Preparation Outstanding Student)
Scarleth Gabriela Meza
Emily Grace Myers (Honors)
Haley Parker (Honors)
Lillie Kate Parker (Honors)
Annalise Page Register (Honors)
Hannah Register
Brianna Serrano
Emily Marie Shipway (High Honors)
Sarah Jordan Smith (High Honors)
Joseph Nelson Teachey (High Honors & CCP A.A. Outstanding Student)
Hailey Anne Tucker
Lacey Leila Warren (Honors)
Noah James Weeks (Honors)
Benjamin Scott West (Honors)
Sadie Elizabeth Williams

Sampson CC is tremendously proud of its 2023 CCP graduates. The College recognizes the hard work that goes into completing both a high school diploma and college degree and is inspired by SCC students’ determination to do so. These graduates have a bright future ahead of them and will continue to make the College proud through whatever academic or professional journey they embark on next.
For more information about the CCP program or how to enroll, visit www.sampsoncc.edu/ccp or contact Emily Brown at ebrown@sampsoncc.edu.
To view pictures from the ceremony, visit SCC’s Google Photos link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jw8MhiEj8YDRwBrLA
About Sampson Community College
Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education. SCC is committed to the principles of equal educational and employment opportunities for all.